Nyrenoveret Skousen-butik i Bolbro klar til åbningsfest torsdag den 30. januar

We are here to talk

Press room

We are happy to speak to the press about our activities and are also happy to appear in features where it makes sense. Call our press officer, Martin Bak on tel. 4177 2457 or send us an email at mab@whiteawaygroup.com. Then we will do everything we can to answer as soon as possible.

We are also happy to supply logos, images and contact information for use in connection with press matters.

Feel free to contact us on mab@whiteawaygroup.com.

What’s new

A lot of exciting things is happening at Whiteaway Group – and you can read all major (and minor) announcements right here. From new hires and expansions to product releases and major accomplishments.

Press kit

Logos, pictures and cool graphics – we’ve got them all. And you can download them right here.

Head of Group Communication

Martin Bak

+45 41 77 24 57 mab@whiteawaygroup.com